CEEP Meetings News Slider

Go for Common European Elections Program (CEEP) 2019

On 25th of March 2018, a number of representatives of the PPEU member parties and other supporters met to deal with the “Common European Elections Program (CEEP)”. After all, over 20 people from 7 countries who start an important process.

Central points were organizational matters and the creation of working groups. Here we have progressed very well.

For the time being there are the following working groups to which every Pirate and supporter are invited:

Agriculture, Maritime Affairs, Fisheries

Climate Action & Energy

Digital Affairs

Education & Culture

Foreign and defense policy

Migration and asylum policies

Social Affairs & Basic Income

Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds

A very factual and constructive meeting which one can read here in the minutes. The recording is available here.

The next meeting will take place on 22nd April at 20.00h CEST in the NRW-Mumble [1].

[1] Mumble is a voice conference software. In order to participate in mumble, a software must be installed and it microphone and speakers are necessary on the computer.

A description of the installation and where to download the software can be found here.

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